
Now I Know I'm Sure

When you start searching for an internship or new job you obviously want to look for something that will help lead you into a career you really want to be in.去年我觉得自己找不到这样的实习机会,but this summer that's all changed.我知道我想在体育娱乐业工作很长时间,however,去一所很棒的商学院,在那里,你周围都是一些课程,教你关于美国公司和自己创业的朋友的知识,I kind of lost my way.在我的内心深处,我仍然知道我想在体育和娱乐领域工作,但这似乎是遥不可及的,我可能会更高兴做其他事情在业务领域。然后我找到了去波士顿红袜队的路。我碰巧认识合适的人推荐我参加这次活动,但我将永远感激他们。我在芬威音乐会部工作,因此,在运动和娱乐方面都能获得最好的效果。In the three months that I've already spent here I now know that I'm sure I don't want to work in any other industry after graduation or later in my life.

Throughout my time here I've met some very famous and important people throughout the industry.前几天我遇到的一位先生对我说,"It's amazing – people who work in sports want to work in music,and people who work in music want to work in sports.You're getting the best of both worlds working here." I couldn't agree with him more.This particular gentleman told me how he got himself into the music industry and never wanted to leave.他告诉我,我在红袜队工作时所建立的联系和所学到的经验,将使我在我决定走的任何职业道路上走得更远。It is my hope that advice like this and the people I meet will help me to find an awesome job after graduation.

The fact that I can wake up every day and enjoy this job so much that I show up early every single day lets me know that this is where I belong in my future career.体育和娱乐并不像我以前想象的那样遥不可及,这也是我真正的激情所在。The only thing holding me back in this industry is where I want to live after graduation.我很想和我的家人住在康涅狄格州,但是在这么小的一个州,在体育或音乐方面没有太多的机会。I will continue looking,however,and who knows,maybe another amazing opportunity like this one with the Red Sox will come my way!