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I am about halfway through my internship and I have learned a lot.当我开始实习时,我对人事行业了解不多。这个实习要求我每天学习和成长。Below are the top 3 things I've learned during my time here so far that help me be a better recruiter.

  1. 保持坚强的心态并保持专注-

In recruiting,if you do not go into each and every call with the proper mindset then the entire call can go poorly.你可能厌倦了留下语音信箱和和粗鲁的人说话,但记住他们只是电话里的另一个人,这一点总是很重要的。What really helps me get through the tough situations is the knowledge that these people I'm talking to have no idea who I am and vice versa.所以,如果他们对我无礼,我可以挂断电话继续前进。你不能把他们说的话当面说出来,你需要提醒自己,总会有另一个电话打过来,保持一种坚强的心态。

在等别人接电话的时候打电话也很容易分心。你可能认为在打下一个电话之前发一条短信没什么大不了的。然而,you never really realize how much time and focus you're losing while doing that.It is just better to keep your phone away and stay focused on the call you're making even if the phone is just ringing.

  1. 一直往前走-你永远不知道下一个拨号会是谁。

This lesson goes hand in hand with keeping the right mindset.离开50岁以后继续拨号可能很困难语音信箱,but you just have to keep going.你永远不知道谁会接下一个电话,也不知道你能从谈话中得到什么——或者,even better,what they could gain.The next person you talk to may be able to help you find a new job for the company or you might even be able to help them get placed on a project.你只是不知道如果你再打一个电话你能得到谁,所以你总是需要继续前进。

Some days are harder than others.你被语音邮件缠住的次数比平时多得多,但是你只需要继续拿起电话和拨号,hoping to get that one person to talk to.It is a mental strength you need to gain and maintain.

  1. Ask questions –

到目前为止,我学到的最大的教训是,不要害怕提问,因为最糟糕的是有人会说不。It doesn't matter if you're on the phone with a consultant or if you're talking to your mentor – never be afraid to ask a question.

导师们希望帮助你并看到你成功。唯一的办法就是你问他们一些你不确定的问题。问他们你能做的更好,询问他们如何处理某种情况,让他们扮演一个对话的角色,这样你就可以看到如何处理它——无论它是什么,都要问。I know that by asking the questions I have asked,I have gained a better understanding of how to approach tricky situations and handle difficult conversations.

The worst consultants can do is say no to your question.You cannot let the fear of rejection or denial stop you from asking because you never know what could happen if you don't ask.Asking hard questions gets you the best results.通过不断的提问,you get to not only learn more about the consultant,但是你也慢慢地开始了解他们在寻找什么,以及如何最好地帮助他们找到下一个项目。