

This summer I have had the opportunity to work at联合创始人资本,请北卡罗来纳州的一家早期风险投资公司。The firm is managed by former entrepreneurs David Gardner and Tim McLoughlin,and they have decided to run their firm differently than most venture firms.

在联合创始人处,管理团队几乎完全专注于北卡罗来纳三角研究园区的公司。他们能够专注于如此小的区域,因为三角研究园是三所主要研究大学(杜克大学,北卡罗来纳州立大学以及北卡罗来纳州教堂山)为财富500强企业(IBM,思科系统,and GlaxoSmithKline),and is undervalued by major investors in the Northeast and on the West coast.Major universities and large corporations produce a ton of talent in the region,缺乏投资者意味着企业家需要资金。除了关注特定的地理区域外,Cofounders Capital has an interesting model where they have a co-working space called the Cofounders Lab.The lab is a space where entrepreneurs from the area can work for free,与其他企业家建立关系网,and get mentorship and support from the Cofounders team.

The lab is dynamic office,with many companies working out of it.自从实验室建立以来,一些在实验室外工作的企业家已经得到了共同创始人团队的投资。在任何一天,你可以找到其他共同创始人投资组合创始人在办公室外工作,并与共同创始人团队会面。This is great for small teams because they can share advice,技巧,以及其他初创企业的提示。

联合创始人实验室是联合创始人资本团队的重要资产。It allows David and Tim to work with their portfolio companies on a daily basis.This is a real point of differentiation,because few investors can say they actively work with their portfolio companies every day.

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