Underbeplay官网地址graduate Blog/Defining Your beplay官网体育Babson

LearnLaunch Across Boundaries Conference

beplay官网体育Post by Rayhaan Surve

Attending the Learn Launch conference gave me the opportunity to dive into the education industry and specifically the innovation going on in the field at the moment.The conference had a great integrative set up with both speakers and,my favorite part,tables of entrepreneurs working in the industry trying to revolutionize education.

The speakers at the conference were from all over and spoke on the power that young entrepreneurs can have in the education industry by disrupting the traditional system.There were several tables which showcased coding to four year olds!Kindo used barcode scanning and motions on basic toys to allow children create their own little robots,learning the basic thinking behind coding without even realizing it.Speeches also focused on how collaboration is becoming key to moving forward and not getting stuck in traditional methods of teaching when there are so many better options.I was proud to hear the President of Bentley,Gloria Cordes Larson,commenting on the integrative system between beplay官网体育Babson College,Olin College of Engineering and Wellesley College.She mentioned how this was what it takes to be able to expand horizons in schools which are streamlined in this case for business with beplay官网体育Babson or engineering with Olin.beplay官网体育Babson's Underbeplay官网地址graduate Professional Accelerator Fund made it possible for me to attend the LearnLaunch Across Boundaries Conference and to dive deeper into my own interests while connecting with people who were equally as passionate about entrepreneurship and education!