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Why VCs and 03 venture capitalists that inspired me

This summer,我在河内的一家风险投资公司实习,越南。自实习开始以来,我被问的最多的问题是:“为什么是风投?”


For every decision I make in life,I am thankful for always having some people that inspire and support me along the way to make the move and take the risk.在风投公司做暑期实习的决定也不例外。以下是三位风险投资家,他们在塑造我探索风险投资世界和发现自己新面貌的愿望方面发挥了关键作用。


两年前我在创业国家第一次遇到风投世界,以色列。I had heard the term ‘venture capital' a few times before but it was not until I met Avram M.,英特尔前副总裁兼英特尔资本创始人,我知道它到底是什么。艾弗拉姆是我非常钦佩和尊敬的人,not only for his extraordinarily successful career as in the tech world but also for his sincerely warm hear that never stops caring about the well-being of other people.He was the one that taught me the first lesson about the very fundamental knowledge of the field.在我职业生涯的早期阶段,他的观点和建议指导了我很多。

他告诉我:“如果你想全面了解一个组织是如何运作的,it is not a smart idea to start off working for Google,脸谱网,Intel or any big corporates.Because you will be working for only one part in the big organization there,您将无法实现整个系统的一般透视图。因此,在你的早期职业生涯中,最好的学习环境是创业或风险投资公司。在那里工作,你会对每件事是如何运作的以及每件事是如何连接的有一个笼统的概念,which is extremely important for later on when you want to run your own start-up".

You can read more about this amazing man at his personal blog:https://twothirdsdone.com网站/


I got to know Bob through the introduction of Avram.They have been good friends for decades since they both were in VP positions of two tech companies.鲍勃目前管理着自己的韦尔斯利风险投资公司,这家公司是他几年前创立的。和鲍勃说话时,I could feel a strong vibe of kindness,这位老人流露出真诚和热情。鲍勃非常热衷于帮助初创企业和年轻企业家取得成功。鲍勃让我从另一个角度看待风投界。忘记那些只专注于赚钱的风投吧!For Bob,it's not about the money that keeps him in this career path.The most enjoyable part,据鲍勃说,正在成为一名导师和合作伙伴,与初创企业一起向前迈进。鲍勃告诉我:“当看到你投资和指导的初创企业的进展时,那种幸福是没有钱能带来的。”


I met Mr.杜克我现在在河内的风投公司的老板,last year when I was organizing FuckUp Nights Vol.1,the event where entrepreneurs share about their past failures.I remember struggling a lot during that time as I just got back to Vietnam after finishing high school in Israel;I had no money,没有可信度(只是还没有!),在河内的创业生态系统中也没有联系。我发电子邮件邀请演讲嘉宾并要求赞助;没有人回答。当我绝望的想放弃的时候,I met Mr.杜克who was then the founder of a Vietnamese watch brand and manager at a venture capital firm.他是第一个同意在活动上发言的人。在升职期间,他花了很多时间与我的组织团队合作,并通过将活动介绍给其他企业家和潜在的赞助商,帮助了我们很多。他说,他做这一切的最大动机是建立社区,扩大慈善圈。He believed that mutual support plays a key role in the development of the start-up ecosystem and that applies to any relationship in life in general.