本科生博客beplay官网地址/Career Development

Why Should I Go To Drop-Ins?

This blog beplay官网体育post was written by Peer Career Ambassador Luke Martiros '21.

它可能是最小的东西:一页而不是两页,more buzzwords and less fluff,或者是对你最好成绩的清晰而有条理的描述。Whatever it is,your resume is vital in making you stand out.

When applying for a job or an internship,the initial stage of the application process typically involves filling out some personal information,回答一两个问题,and attaching your resume.这个阶段最重要的部分是你的简历,因为它给雇主留下了他们对你的第一印象。提供良好的第一印象是很重要的,因为它塑造了人们长期看待你的方式。Therefore,你应该更新并仔细检查你的简历,as it can make or break an opportunity.这就是接送服务的用武之地!所有本科生都可以通beplay官网地址过职业发展中心(CCD)摇摆,它位于霍利斯特的一楼。Every weekday from 2:00 to 4:00 all class years are welcome to meet with a Peer Career Ambassador (PCA) and from 1:00 to 2:00 sophomores,三年级学生and seniors can visit the designated drop-in adviser for the day.你可以随意“来”多久,但通常情况下,most appointments take no longer than 20 minutes.In these meetings,你将和PCA一起工作,PCA是通过培训帮助评论简历的同学。所以,为什么要来学校和学生一起工作?

第一,我们是你的同龄人和朋友。公开你的简历不是一件容易的事,因为上面有很多个人信息。和成年人一起工作可能会让人感到害怕,but working with students can eliminate that fear.A welcoming atmosphere during the drop-in hours is appealing to many students.In addition,you never know what piece of information you can pick up while working with a student.例如,如果你对会计感兴趣,和戴夫见面,who is concentrating in accounting,她可以给你一个关于她工作或实习的“内部建议”,以及她学到的东西。The second and equally important reason to come to drop-ins is that it is very efficient and extremely valuable.For 15-20 minutes of your day,the time you spend getting out of bed in the morning,你可以有一个漂亮的抛光简历!Having an aesthetically pleasing and organized resume can make you stand out among the crowd.你的简历是你推销自己和讲述自己故事的机会,so you want it to be as good as possible!第三个也是同样重要的原因来这里是为了了解CCD的工作人员。Meeting the PCAs not only improves your resume but also adds another friendly face to say hi to on campus and expands your personal network.Along with the PCAs,了解CCD的员工并发展与他们的关系是健康的。You will develop the ability to talk to adults and can potentially gain a connection for a job or internship!
