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Sydney Opera House

This summer I am interning in Sydney,澳大利亚。我从一个在香港完成公司初级实习的巴布森毕业生那里学到了这个实习机会。beplay官网地址beplay官网体育实习的话题在我们之间不经意间出现了,然而,正如她所描述的实习经历,I became interested in pursuing the opportunity further.

在我接受实习计划后,I started to feel a mix of anxiety and excitement for the opportunity that lay ahead of me.Not only would I have the opportunity to consult for the company's different departments,but I will be traveling to Australia for the first time to do so.随着实习日的临近,我越来越紧张。Thoughts like,"What if I am alone for the entire summer?" "How will I impress the management team?" "What if I get lost in the city and can't find my way back home?",ETC一直在我的头上盘旋。

The Central Business District,Barangaroo

For those of you who have moved to a new city,实习国家或大陆,I am sure you can relate to a lot of these worries.以下是我对那些准备或正在考虑在新地点实习的人的建议:

  1. Relax and don't overthink it: It is easy to stress yourself over the million things that could potentially go wrong during your move to a new location.However,I quickly learned that there is really no point in stressing yourself because it does not improve the situation you are in.So keep calm and be optimistic about the journey you are about to embark on.
  2. 灵活和冒险:你甚至在一个全新的地点申请了实习,这表明你愿意冒险。所以提醒自己为什么你想做这个实习,接受随之而来的不确定性。毕竟,no matter what happens,实习结束时,you will walk away having learned and experienced many new and exciting things.
  3. 第一天之后LinkedIn上的网络:这适用于所有实习生,不管你是否在国外工作。Add your hiring manager and any company members you met on the first on LinkedIn.Why?首先,如果你不喜欢我这样的名字,这将帮助你回忆起你被介绍给谁。其次,如果你在一家有多名实习生的公司工作,这将帮助你脱颖而出,因为发送LinkedIn请求可能会加快同事学习你名字的过程!
  4. 找校友,很酷的活动或巴布森学生可能在该beplay官网体育地区留学:在我飞往悉尼之前,我在beplay官网体育Facebook上发布了未来两个月我将在这里旅行的消息,我正在寻找在该地区见面的建议或人。您也可以使用LinkedIn或Alumni目录查找要与之联网的区域中的Alumni!With beplay官网体育Babson's vast international network,很可能你在你的新城市里并不孤单。