
How to: Stand Out During Your Internship

Starting an internship for a company especially far away from home can be nerve-wracking and stressful.我们都想在公司的短时间内脱颖而出,给我们的同事和主管留下深刻印象。到目前为止,我一直在执行中心学习这些技巧。

  1. Research company prior.Before even stepping into the office,it is vital that you are as educated as you can be about the company you will be working for and the industry in general.在我第一天之前,我花了一些时间查看了公司的一般信息,如规模,工作文化,他们代表什么,甚至对竞争对手做一些研究。Not only will everyone around you be impressed with your knowledge but you will immediately be able to start brainstorming ideas and thinking outside of the box the moment you are assigned a project.这个简单的提示总是被忽视的,但是它是一个很容易的方式来展示你真正关心的新公司。
  1. 穿着要给人留下深刻印象。挑选最完美的服装,尤其是第一天的服装可能会让人费解,但我坚持的第一条建议是,最好总是穿得太浓而不是太浓。不要害怕系领带或穿高跟鞋。
  1. 了解公司的每个人。Your internship might only require you to speak to your mentors and supervisors.It is important to take the time and get to know other co-workers in other departments.You never know what you can learn from them and the valuable connection you may create for the future.This can simply be done by asking them to get lunch together or striking up a conversation in the breakout area.
  1. Attend company events.Most of the time when the workday is finished,all we want to do is head home and relax.我的建议是偶尔改变一下你的日常生活,通过参加公司提供的任何活动来更多地参与其中。So far I have attended a LinkedIn workshop and a product launch party.This was a wonderful opportunity to meet more people in the company and better my online professional platform.

Making a good impression is simple but will take away all of the nerves about the new environment you are in this summer.祝大家好运!