

我是在一次偶然的机会中发现自己想从事医疗保健行业的愿望的。它结合了我的两大爱好:手术和医学。今年夏天,当我开始在剑桥健康联盟(Cambridge Health Alliance)绩效改进小组实习时,我并不确定自己会期待什么,但我知道我有帮助他人的热情。在一家保障网络医院实习,为缺乏医疗服务的人群提供护理,这重新点燃了我为当地社区做出改变的愿望。这个环境是快节奏的,需要大量的it员工。我一直在做一些涉及数据分析和论文写作的项目。这两个领域是非常不同的,但却向我展示了在这个行业中追求职业生涯的广度。我发现医院的工作环境很困难。它创建了来自临床和商业背景的领导团队,可能会在完成任务的最佳方式上产生分歧。这让角色更难定义,但也创造了一个有充足增长机会的空间。 I thrive when I am placed in environments filled with challenge and I have found it to be a place where I can both utilize skills and find new ones. The depth of the health care industry makes it a hard space to jump head-first into, but that also means there is always more to learn and become competent in. Over the years at Babson, I found myself jumping from concentration to concentration not sure where I wanted my future to take me. I have realized the most important part is that I am always learning and growing and therefore have found a niche of operations management that I still plan on pursuing in the future.