Underbeplay官网地址graduate Blog/ Tag: beplay官网注册creating social value

Lauren Mariano

Entrepreneurial Thought and Action On the Squash Court

What would my summer internship be without recognizing the ways in which ET&A is employed?beplay官网体育Babson has it ingrained in me to assess opportunities with an entrepreneurial lens.Surprisingly,I found those elements present at the squash startup.Traditionally,squash was available only to those few who could afford to join clubs,and tournaments seen…

Courtney Minden


This morning the beplay官网体育Babson community woke up to the news that US News & World Report ranked Babson College the #1 underbeplay官网地址graduate school for entrepreneurship for the 21st consecutive year!This means that beplay官网体育Babson has been #1 in entrepreneurship longer than the iPhone,Google,and Facebook have existed.Our first number one ranking came in…

Going With the Little One

One of the things that I value most is diversity of experience.Going through a wide range of challenges and incidents better prepares me to handle anything that I may encounter in the future.That's why this year I decided to intern with the small non-profit,IMPACT Melanoma.Last summer,I worked for a very…

Taking the Initiative: Bathrooms and All

"I just wanted to let you know,that the ladies room is disgusting." Hot blood crept under my skin,burning my face to a plum red as the woman backed away from my ear,quickly turning to exit the restaurant.Mortified,I contained my urge to sprint into a brisk walk,imagining all the possible…

beplay官网体育Babson San Francisco

Week 4: SF Summer Venture Program

Lot's of happenings @ beplay官网体育Babson San Francisco!We had a very eventful week including 3 all star speakers Elliott Adams (Customer Development), Armando Biondi (Growth Strategies),and Dwight Gertz (Decisions),our 5th *Hot Seat*,a Gari focus group,office hours with mentors,and we celebrated IdaRose's birthday!Elliott,one of our SVP advisors,gave an overview of the business…

beplay官网体育Babson San Francisco

Week 3: SF Summer Venture Program

Another productive and fun-filled week @ beplay官网体育Babson San Francisco!This week featured beplay官网体育Babson @ the Ballpark,two *Hot Seats*,guest speakers,and an SVP alumni panel!For Wisdom Wednesday,digital marketing expert Adam Helweh helped our entrepreneurs with their landing pages and offered office hours to discuss UI and UX.We then listened to a presentation about target…

Brenda Kostyk

First Years Not Afraid to Tackle Pressing Social Issues

The Hult Prize Foundation is a start-up accelerator for budding young social entrepreneurs emerging from the world's universities.It is the largest student competition for social good.  The annual,year-long competition crowd-sources ideas from students after challenging them to solve a pressing social issue around topics such as food security,water access,energy,and education.Winners receive $1million in…

Marvin Tarawally

Community Justice: A Tool For Real Justice In Liberia

Last week,we convened an interactive forum on informal justice issues in Liberia.This was done in partnership with the Hague Institute for Innovating Law (HIIL).The discussions and working sessions were very enlightening and these are some of the things I will like to highlight as part of this experience.In Liberia,there are…

Marvin Tarawally

Perks of a Part-Time Internship

I think this is the busiest I've been during any of my summer vacations in Liberia.I set out this summer with a laundry list of things I wanted to accomplish.Ambitious things too.Lest I knew,conditions on the ground,the main ones being internet connection and electricity,weren't as fitting as I'd anticipated.…

S Mosehle

How To Manage Like A Pro

"Hi,my name is Salome.I'm from South Africa but I study at a college in the U.S.called beplay官网体育Babson College." This is the standard introduction I give at work to visitors all the time but there is one big question I always get asked,"What is your educational qualification?" I confidently say that I have…