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Jacob Vick

Avoiding the Last Week Distraction

While the end may be in sight for many of us in our last week of a summer internship,don't let the approaching date distract you from the remaining opportunities to take advantage of.This last week is a perfect chance to reach out and give a real sense of urgency to those you wished…

Jacob Vick

Your education isn't over at graduation

While some of us may be only a few years from completing our formal education career,that by no means that your training and education is anywhere near completion.Some companies may take continuous formal training and education less seriously,but many will look to find employees who are willing to constantly learn new things…

Jacob Vick

It's not all about the MD's

When I was first introduced to the concept of "networking" the goal of it all seemed pretty straightforward.Talk to people you don't know and have never met before.Get them to know who you are and have a positive opinion about you.All done in order to land one of those coveted positions at…

Jacob Vick

Why 40 Hours a Week can be better than 16 Credit Hours

While our class times may be set,we all have experienced the unpredictability of what your workload for the week could be from your classes.But now that its summer internship season this is your chance to use some of that predictability in a full time schedule to your advantage.I know I have used this new set…

Jacob Vick

Some Small Lessons for Day One

As many students will soon start with their summer internships,I thought it would be best to share three lessons I got from my own internship that started early this summer.There is no doubt that everyone's situation and relationship with their employer will be different,but I hope that something within this beplay官网体育post you…