Undergraduate Blog/作者:尼基尔·阿南德

5. Your North Star

This summer I have written over 20,000 lines of code, worked 800+ hours, and met some truly incredible people. It is very easy to burn out or get lost in this round-the-clock summer. What kept me in check was knowing what my mentor Darwish calls your “north star.” This is the idea or goal that…


Start ups need to start up. To do this the need capital. The venture capital (vc) industry provides those much needed dollars to companies and takes an equity stake in the startup in return. It may be a hot form of investing right now, but the venture capital industry only takes up 0.3% ($30 billion)…


When beginning a project this summer, we did not write or touch a line of code on the first day. The first day spent creating wireframes, user mapping, and figuring out what we needed to code, but more importantly, what not to code. When working on apps and websites you can be working on them…

2. Taking the Day Off to Work

During my summer I was immersed in the insane hours of tech culture in San Francisco. We worked 12 hours a day, and that was considered a normal day. After getting in that mind set a 24-hour Hackathon seemed like a piece of cake. A couple of my colleagues and I decided to take the…


Airbnb, Lyft, Netflix。这些公司都是信用卡诈骗罪red tech companies, but in reality, they are a hospitality, chauffeur, and entertainment companies that have been able to capitalize on the technological boom. These are just three of the countless “tech” companies that we spoke about at work today, but this same sentiment can be applied to almost…




作为一名商务专业的学生,​​我想使用夏季探索一个可以补充巴布森商业教育的不同行业。beplay官网体育由于技术对未来变得越来越重要,因此我决定扩大软件开发和计算机科学方面的技能。为此,我选择与Horizo​​ns School合作…