Underbeplay官网地址graduate Blog/ Tag: High School

Jeff Andrews

Senior Year

It feels like just a short time ago I was arriving on campus for the first day of orientation,excited to move into Forest Hall and anxious to see what life at beplay官网体育Babson would be like.And now,三年后,I'm in the final stretch – my senior year.In this blog,I'd like…


Tips for Acing Your College Interview

许多高中生正在申请大学,可能正在接受面试。因为我已经进行了几个月的采访,我想出了一些能帮助学生面试的建议。If you have an interview coming up,here are some tips to make sure you feel…

Jeff Andrews

Advice for Rising High School Seniors

祝贺你!It's finally summer break (for most of you) and it's time to enjoy one last long vacation of your high school careers.不管你在工作,去度暑假,或者只是和你的朋友和家人一起享受假期;make sure to take a minute to breathe and relax!你应该…


我第一次来这里,Comes My First Lesson

你能找到我的海报吗?beplay官网体育I know exactly what you're thinking.Did this beplay官网体育Babson Admission Counselor really take a picture of her beplay官网体育poster hanging on the wall at her first visit?好,yes.I did.I'd like to consider it a result of excessive excitement!前一天晚上我几乎睡不着,因为我…