Underbeplay官网地址graduate Blog/标签:非营利-第2页


Sales,市场营销,和数据,Oh My!

Myself and the other two interns,Brandon and Wyatt,have been working at the Melanoma Foundation of New England for a few weeks now and I have had a chance to survey a couple different types of work.For the first few weeks we worked mostly in sales by calling each of the organizations that…

First Week at Hope and Comfort

Hi,我叫瑞秋·格林,我为希望和舒适而工作,牛顿的非营利组织,马萨诸塞州作为一名暑期战略实习生。At beplay官网体育Babson,我是一名积极参与女性回馈和女性企业家领导中心的升职高管。我很兴奋能和一个非营利组织一起工作…



我和南非的关系在我被邀请到WITS商学院实习之前就已经建立起来了。For my first two trips to the country,我有幸在比勒陀利亚东部的一个黑人小镇Mamelodi做志愿者。作为Mamelodi计划的一部分,一个以社区为基础的青年教育和赋权组织…


Pinning Awareness: Pinterest for a Non-Profit!

I have been pinning beplay官网体育posts for the non-profit organization for two weeks now.It's been a lot of fun.我一直在寻找新的东西。因为我在一个销售烘焙食品的非营利组织工作,为乳腺癌研究筹集资金,I have been having a lot of fun…


First Time Blogging!

This is my first blog ever.I am so excited!我已经为实习工作了一个星期了,我喜欢它。I have been working on Pinterest for a non-profit organization,Boston Bakes For Breast Cancer.我一直在努力促进这个组织和他们所做的伟大工作…