Undergraduate Blog/ Tag: Offer




Priscilla Joy Ning

How to Maximize Your Internship

Now that my internship at NatureBox is coming to an end, I have been able to reflect on the many lessons I had the opportunity to learn over the Summer. Three lessons, in particular, stood out to me immediately. With these three, I was able to create immense value, maximize my time at my internship,…

Peer Career Ambassadors


这篇帖子是beplay官网体育由同伴职业生涯大使Gyda Sumadi撰写的是,可以说许多Babson学生分享同样的目标,以便在晴朗的天气卷起来之前确保暑期实习。beplay官网体育Aka很多人已经提供了。像大多数人一样雄心勃勃,我不认为你会......


Just say thank you

And the end is finally here. It great-grand father (who’s also my twin) always told me that when people do right by you, just say thank you. With the end of my internship at Junior Achievement comes a host of thank yous to a number of different people. First, thank you to Joseph Peri, Christopher…