Underbeplay官网地址graduate Blog/Career Development

Taking the Offer

Ten weeks ago I entered ALKU as a recruiting intern.I didn't know what to expect,if I would like the job,if the people would like me,or if I would be any good.Ten weeks later,I leave the internship with a full time offer.I'm still nervous,like I was on my first day.Only now my nerves don't compare to the excitement I feel about starting my career at ALKU.

Realizing I wanted to be there,however,took some time.I knew if I wanted to return I needed to make it know before I left,which meant I needed to make a solid decision within my first eight weeks.In my frenzy to decide,I talked to my mentor and others in the company to get a sense of what their path to ALKU looked like.Additionally,I used close friends and family to voice my personal concerns to.Recent beplay官网体育post grads gave me especially good insight on what you should be looking for in your first job,and what's an inevitable downside of working,no matter where you go.

Once I realized I wanted to work at ALKU full-time,I made sure to make it known.I told the full timers I was closest to,such as my mentor,and put extra effort into the little day to day tasks to show I was serious about the job.Finally,I went into my last day knowing what I wanted,which allowed me to confidently accept my offer and leave the internship with a concrete decision.

Getting an offer this early was not something I expected,as I thought that only happened to students on investment banking,consulting,or finance tracks.But now I head into senior year with a sense of security I didn't think I would have.That being said,my best advice is to not settle just for the security.The job itself is so much more important than just "having an offer".Even if it means being the last out of all your friends to know what you're doing after graduation,you'll be more successful in the long run if you wait for the right fit.

Now that I found the right fit,and have the offer,it's time to start my final chapter at beplay官网体育Babson.After seeing how exhausting and time consuming work will be once I beplay官网地址graduate,I'm more determined to make the most out of my last year.So farewell for now ALKU,I'll see you again soon.