Undergraduate Blog/ tag:夏季 - 第3页


Lot’s of happenings @ Babson San Francisco! We had a very eventful week including 3 all star speakers Elliott Adams (Customer Development), Armando Biondi (Growth Strategies), and Dwight Gertz (Decisions), our 5th *Hot Seat*, a Gari focus group, office hours with mentors, and we celebrated IdaRose’s birthday! Elliott, one of our SVP advisors, gave an overview of the business…




Another productive and fun-filled week @ Babson San Francisco! This week featured Babson @ the Ballpark, two *Hot Seats*, guest speakers, and an SVP alumni panel! For Wisdom Wednesday, digital marketing expert Adam Helweh helped our entrepreneurs with their landing pages and offered office hours to discuss UI and UX. We then listened to a presentation about target…


该博客是由同伴职业大使迈克尔·霍博威(Michael Horbowy ’18)撰写的。实际上,随着暑假的实际上,每个人都期待着乐趣并开始实习。但是,如果您整天不在办公室,而您的棕褐色比医生的批准更多,那么您会厌倦与朋友赶上...

Take Some Time to Breathe!

It is very common at Babson to be highly involved in the community along with school work which can cause time to fly by without notice. As the end of the school year rounds the corner, I encourage everyone to take some time to enjoy their final weeks of springtime here at Babson and prepare…

How the Right Mentor Can Help You Succeed

As summer internships or entry-level positions creep closer to their start dates, it is important to be on the lookout for your next mentor. A good mentor, someone who will assist you in developing professionally, can be greatly beneficial as you begin a career or explore a new industry. Your odds for advancement, job success,…


该博客是由同伴职业大使Stela Maksutaj '17和Michael Horbowy’撰写的18。计划夏天的夏天的目标,应该放松和乐趣,也是一个以您在学年可能没有时间来擅长自己的时间。您的个人目标是什么?你会接受吗?


Interning at WGBH was an experience I will not forget. This internship helped me clarify some questions I have had regarding decisions on what I wanted to pursue after I graduate from Babson. With my wide variety of interests which involved business, tech, and creative hobbies, I felt I was at a loss on where…

Ask the Right Questions



在我与国会议员布伦丹·博伊尔(Brendan Boyle)(PA-13)开始暑期实习之前,我设定了一些目标,我觉得可以帮助我最大程度地利用体验和学习。这三个目标是:1。结识伟大的人并建立一个网络,2。参加活动并参与活动,以及3.了解各个联邦机构。现在我只…