Living Entrepreneurship Blog/Global & Multicultural

Enriching Experiences: Spain As Our Textbook

This blog beplay官网体育post was written by Camila and Claudia Gonzalez,participants of the Spain Elective Abroad…


在整个过程中,we were able to expand our knowledge by visiting all the main attractions in the cities.通过对城市空间创新的分析,考察了两个城市的社会政治历史,比如建筑,art,music,食物,and cultural activities.在马德里,我们参观了西班牙证券交易所,Museo de Arte Reina Sofia,西班牙国会,丽池公园在不同的社区中。我们还支持皇马在圣地亚哥伯纳乌体育场举行了一场激动人心的足球比赛。在巴塞罗那,we visited La Pedrera,卡萨巴特尔,萨格拉达家族,毕加索博物馆,Parc Guell在其他中。我们还利用晴朗的天气去坐坐,欣赏美丽的海滩。

除了探索城市的文化地标外,我们专注于了解城市空间和可持续性影响着政治,economic,以及社会现实。This made the course a lot more interesting since it require us to practice our observation skills to critically analyze our surroundings in the new environment.We were also exposed to learning from consultants and social entrepreneurs in the cities,帮助我们结束对城市生产空间的调查,创新,and experimentation.After this enriching experience,we were able to apply our knowledge not only academically,也包括个人。