Living Entrepreneurship Blog/ Tag: Electives Abroad


Third Culture Kid Conference

This beplay官网体育post is written by Laurie Xin '19… What is a Third Culture Kid?一个在成长过程中不断从一种文化转变为另一种文化的人——原因多种多样——结果,is able to assimilate into almost any environment at ease,也不认为有一个地方是“家”。I am a Third…


Join us as we Celebrate International Education Week!

国际教育周(IEW)是在巴布森学院和世界各地庆祝国际教育和交流的机会。beplay官网体育beplay官网体育巴布森有83个不同国家的学生,目前在国外教育(学期/年)项目之间提供了100多个不同的国际机会,海外选修课,International Consulting,Service Immersion Opportunities,etc.–这些只是一些……


Spain Elective Abroad: Think + Feel = Theel

This blog beplay官网体育post is written by Jie-Ling,a participant of the 2017 Spain Elective Abroad… Full of culture,华丽的建筑,mouth-wateringly delicious tapas,and lovely people,Spain is definitely all it says it is and more.丰富而有益的经验,this Elective Abroad provided me with a glimpse into the socio-economic structure of the…


Enriching Experiences: Spain As Our Textbook

This blog beplay官网体育post was written by Camila and Claudia Gonzalez,participants of the Spain Elective Abroad… Spending a few days in Madrid and Barcelona with a group of beplay官网体育Babson students and well-prepared professors was the best experience for us.在整个项目中,我们专注于将城市视为文本,allowing us to obtain a…


Glavin Student Spotlight: Andrea Murray

Each month,the Glavin Office spotlights one student who is having impactful experiences around multicultural,国际,and global perspectives.Andrea Murraya current Senior who is involved on campus as an Academic Mentor,事件管理实习生,高级周委员会成员,朋辈导师Exchange Ambassador,and a member of the beplay官网体育Babson Dance Ensemble,编织她的经历…


Wrapping it all up: A Reflection on my Study Abroad Experiences

beplay官网体育Post by Kate Mowles,2013年的班,在国外学习是为了有一些我在巴布森不能拥有的经验。beplay官网体育Even with a very diverse student body,没有什么能比得上真正潜入另一种文化。我想更多地了解我们生活的世界,因为我从未真正接触过…



By Shelly Goehring,MBA 2013   I was standing in line with a basket of a few groceries.When it came my turn,收银员扫描了我的物品,我把我的卡递给了她。这是一张我在巴西已经用过几次的维萨借记卡。I told her,"Credit,por favor."…


Israel: Yesterday and Tomorrow

在我们乘坐飞机进入古老的雅法城时,迈克尔·特西说,Steve,our tour educator was going through the eventful itinerary that lay ahead of us.但是没有人能注意到细节,因为这个地方的某些东西让我们都对它的存在感到敬畏。立即…