Living Entrepreneurship Blog/beplay官网体育巴布森企业家


Hari Mahesh ‘19,founder of

Hari Mahesh ‘19

独家新闻is a fashion intelligence company that focuses on predicting the future of fashion with data.我们通过我们的专有算法和数据驱动的洞察力,使我们的客户能够走在时尚的前沿。

So to run through the basics: I'm Hari,巴布森学院的一名大四学生beplay官网体育和我决定不集中精力。I love sports,cars (my favorite car company is BMW),食物(特别是肉)tea,凝视着星星。I am a self-taught coder and I beplay官网地址graduated high school in three years to work in the healthcare and technology space for a bit.I discovered my love for fashion at beplay官网体育Babson.我的Foundations of Management and Entrepreneurship (FME)company was fashion based;我为它做了市场营销。然后,我和几个朋友一起创立了一个男士珠宝品牌,现在我正在致力于独家代理。I was able to develop this idea through the people I met in e-tower.

What is the story behind
时尚改变了我的生活。In high school,我会经常参加各种各样的会议和活动,在这些会议和活动中,我必须穿着商务礼服。我喜欢这样做。看到不同的人风格不同的作品总是让我感兴趣。I love being on top of the trends and I'm always looking for the next best thing.Ultimately,时尚让我感到自信和力量。Choosing a good outfit can make me feel ready to take on the day.I'm all about looking good and feeling good.我注意到人们很难弄清楚该穿什么,保持潮流,就在那时我决定开始独家代理了。

What is the most valuable thing you've gained from the Summer Venture Program?
集中.我真的能够专注于Summer Venture Program (SVP).Whether it be on defining the value of the business,好好交谈,磨练我的工作,connecting with people,expanding my network,等。高级副总裁帮助我专注于生活。I have been given the ability to work on 24/7.今年夏天,我也变得更加健康和活跃,因为SVP为我设置了一个结构。

What's been a milestone/accomplishment you've made since the Summer Venture Program started?

The biggest challenge has been trying to figure out how to reach customers to test out my service.我想从我的目标客户那里得到切实的回应,看看他们是否觉得独家.ai有意义。

What is your favorite memory or moment from the Summer Venture Program?
A group of us went out to dinner together and this gave me the opportunity to get to know the other entrepreneurs outside of their businesses.I love learning why people are the way they are and what drives/motivates them.

If you could run any company in the world,是否存在,what would it be and why?
BMW.I am an avid car fan,特别是宝马车迷,所以我的第一反应就是经营那家公司。I also would love to manage Apple;史蒂夫乔布斯是个有远见的人。

What is your go-to restaurant around Workbar?
Nanny A La Carte!I've been ordering some of her meals and they are awesome.我也很喜欢中午,这附近有一家地中海餐馆。If I'm craving something sweet,I'll grab a cookie sandwich from Cookie Monstah.I always get death by chocolate ice cream with chocolate chunk cookies.

Any tips for aspiring entrepreneurs that you want to share?
你必须成为你试图解决的问题的榜样。如果我正在构建一个健身应用程序,it would only make sense that I would be fit.在你所做的每件事中彰显你的使命,并贯穿于你的公司文化中。否则,你就把这一切都搞砸了。

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