Living Entrepreneurship Blog/标签:社区


Glavin Office学生焦点:Tiffany Shum

Another student that was showcased on our Student Spotlight was Tiffany Shum… Where is your hometown/country?Los Angeles,加利福尼亚州(最好的冷冻酸奶和汉堡在哪里:d)你目前正在做或正在做的一个任务/项目是什么,你对此感到兴奋?对于我的供应链类,my team and I are currently looking into…


Glavin Office Student Spotlight: Melissa Denizard

The student that was showcased on this month's Student Spotlight is Melissa Denizard… Where is your hometown/country?我出生在米勒巴莱,Haiti.I now live in Spring Valley,纽约。你目前正在做或正在做的一项任务/项目是什么,你对此感到兴奋?目前,I am working on an independent study along with a…



20岁的梅丽莎·德尼扎德是一名格拉文全球研究员,他创建了一份关于弗林特水危机的名为“如何在没有干净的水的情况下庆祝感恩节”的文档……周三,他将“斗争”转变为机会电影放映和小组讨论。2月20日下午5:00-7:00在Winn礼堂登记“Flint,Michigan has gone without clean water for over four years.在…期间

Alexandra Dunk

从区块链到Babson Geir:周乔beplay官网体育的旅程

整个学期,the Blank Center has presented How 2 Tuesday sessions,workshop style sessions meant to offer practical advice for entrepreneurs building their businesses.In honor of Global Entrepreneurship Week,a weeklong celebration of entrepreneurs and innovators,we hosted a special How 2 Tuesday: How 2 Become a beplay官网体育Babson Global Entrepreneur-in-Residence (GEIR).Ali Pincus-Jacobs…

BRIC Program

BRIC Program: Importance of Relationships to Russian Business & Culture

这篇文章是beplay官网体育由金砖四国的参加者,玛丽亚·弗雷塔斯和杰里米·布来迪写的……在塞茨教授的课程结束时,helping define the culture and identity of Russia,金砖四国能够更容易地过渡到科伊尔教授的课堂,沉浸在俄罗斯的商业环境中。Reflecting over site visits with companies like Dell EMC,…

BRIC Program


This blog beplay官网体育post was written by BRIC participants, Shreya Shah and Yoni Bachar on August 24th,2018… After a long summer of interning,工作,and finishing up summer readings,we all gathered back on campus before we headed off onto our unforgettable adventure to Russia,印度and China.Coming together with a group of 24 students…



企业家艾米丽·克罗宁(Emily Cronin)19年工商管理硕士(MBA)告诉我一些关于你自己和你公司的体育暴乱?在SportsRiot,我们在独特的目的地创造以运动为中心的节日体验,让希望与他人建立联系的成年人庆祝对运动的共同热爱。I am a part of the two year MBA program here at beplay官网体育Babson.我的背景…


2018 SVP Startup Profile: Waec

企业家布雷特·瓦格纳女士的18岁萨维斯瓦兰·贾亚拉曼·尼尔·瓦格纳告诉我一些关于你自己和你公司的事情?Waec's mission is to make things more accessible for everybody and to do it in a way that minimizes disturbances in urban environments.We make small,safe,安全的,and autonomous ground drones that travel on sidewalks…

beplay官网体育Babson San Francisco


Join the beplay官网体育Babson Bay Area community to network and hear pitches from the Summer Catalyst entrepreneurs.Summer Catalyst is a 10 week pre-accelerator experience in San Francisco designed to help early stage/seed-level entrepreneurs through co-working and access to the SF/Silicon Valley ecosystem.让我们一起庆祝他们的商业冒险和成就!日期:8月2日星期四时间: