beplay官网地址Graduate Blog/beplay官网地址Graduate Admissions

Profile: Two-Year Recruiter,beplay官网体育Babson MBA Admissions

As promised,I am going to introduce you to another member of the beplay官网地址Graduate Admissions team,Petia Whitmore.Petia is a beplay官网体育Babson MBA alumna and will soon be a one-year veteran of beplay官网地址Graduate Admissions. She will be on the road starting next month,recruiting in New York City,Washington DC,and Asia (Tokyo,Beijing,Shanghai,and Hong Kong.)  Keep checking back to ourevents pagefor current information on the events we will be hosting or participating in.  You can meet Petia at a location near you!

I will be off for the next two week,returning in August.  I will be committed to you and this blog throughout the 2012-2013 cycle.  Enjoy the rest of July.

Good luck.  Think big.


And now,here's Petia Whitmore.

How long have you been with beplay官网体育Babson?

I first became a member of the beplay官网体育Babson community in 2007 as an MBA student.Then in 2009,I joined beplay官网体育Babson as an employee.

How would you describe your job?

As a Senior Associate Director in the beplay官网地址Graduate Admissions office,I have a dual role.I manage the Operations team,which works with our prospective students to guide and assist them through the application process.I also work as an admissions recruiter with candidates for the Two Year MBA program.As a result,my days are filled with a dynamic blend of activities.When I put my operations hat on,I work to make sure we have the right systems and business processes in place to ensure a wonderful experience for our MBA,MSA,MSM and CAM candidates.And when I wear my recruiter hat,I work with Two Year MBA applicants to help them learn more about the exciting and transformational experience that is the beplay官网体育Babson MBA.

What do you like the most about the beplay官网体育Babson community?

It's incredibly inspiring to be surrounded by the types of students,faculty and administrators you find at beplay官网体育Babson.beplay官网体育Babson is not a place where you can get by using stale business approaches over and over again.You have to continue learning and updating your toolkit.Almost on a daily basis,I need to tackle a new challenge but I know I can always rely on the support and knowledge of the people around me.

One adjective to describe beplay官网体育Babson students?


One (or two) Fun fact.

I am more or less quadrilingual and have had more than a few of my jokes lost in translation….

How do you define entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is the never-ending cycle of becoming dissatisfied with the available solutions to your challenges that prompts you to find new ones.