教员与领导博客/Faculty in the News

The World May Have Changed This Morning

几小时前,on one of the largest e-commerce sites in the world,中国企业家开始销售,for hard cash,places in the queue for the iPhone 5 to be delivered in mainland China from sources unnamed.


这并不是全球声音洪流中的一个小细节。发达经济体常常忽略了这样一个事实,即发展中国家的市场从来没有如此庞大的规模,cumbersome,高固定成本的零售和物流基础设施消耗了北美和西欧的大部分GDP。这意味着亚洲和非洲的快速增长已经通过类似亚马逊的电子基础设施完成,即时物流,和用户组装的市场。电子零售商以低成本抛出一些诱饵。如果客户咬人,then the retailer uses a wide variety of "supply-side social networks" to get physical goods delivered with synaptic speed.  At almost zero fixed costs.

This is not new.  10 years ago when film camera sales dropped so low in America that Japanese camera makers could not support the US retail chain,the Japanese companies stopped selling all but one or two film cameras.

但亚洲仍在大量购买电影摄影机,and full lines of cameras were still available there.几乎是瞬间,中国企业家利用易趣与美国建立零售联系,卖了全系列的胶卷相机,3天内送货上门,以低于美国的价格出售。这本身并不是什么大新闻。亚洲企业家还出售了这些带有更好的保证比日本相机制造商通过他们的实体零售店提供的美国工厂保修还贵。

The global aftermarket service network in photography was launched,今天在易趣上的15分钟揭示了这个创业市场的发展情况。


Is there any reason why Apple should continue to launch its new products in one of the smaller markets of the world – the US?

How well do you think Apple,或者任何人,能监管销售到20亿新全球中产阶级客户的渠道吗?苹果有多好,或者任何人,警察从他们越来越大的亚洲供应链中泄密?

Ponder these questions as we realize this morning we have just witnessed the "official" launch of the iPhone 5 in a world market now controlled by customers,不是制造商。
