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高盛建筑商+创新者峰会做什么?Zappos,和beplay官网体育大学有共同点:共同的建筑使命entrepreneurial cultures.

I was honored and excited to again attend the annual高盛建设者+创新者峰会,this time held at Dove Mountain in Tuscon.  For this event GS gathers up 100 entrepreneurs (both for profit businesses and nonprofit organizations) who either are already changing the world,or look like they are highly likely to do so in the not so distant future.   The program is very carefully crafted to provide high level interviews with successful entrepreneurs in all kinds of fields,  panels on topics that can change the way people think about the world and their place in it,and workshops that cover the "how to" aspects of things like building brand,partnering,  attracting talent,or designing your IPO.

对于采访和演讲者,B+I呈现大卫·格芬,Thomas Keller,Jimmy Iovine,  Elon Musk,Peter Diamandis,  (who both interviewed and spoke about the future),Secretary Hillary Clinton,General Stan McChrystal,and Richard Florida.  Their messages in general included great ideas about strategies for growth,尽管有大量的战术可供立即使用。第一天的两个小组采取了不同的方法,为思想提供食物,这对巴布森的听众来说尤其重要。一个是关于城市创新,另一个是关于创新社会企业。beplay官网体育

beplay官网体育巴布森course,has been deeply involved in teaching and training about entrepreneurship,and building entrepreneurial ecosystems,for quite some years.   The Urban Innovation panel includedDan Gilbert,总部位于底特律的Rock Ventures和快速贷款公司,Tony Hsieh,首席执行官ZAPPOS.com市长Mitch Landrieu新奥尔良。很高兴再次见到兰德里欧市长,和往常一样,he spoke fluent entrepreneurship.  I was also really pleased to hear him mentioned10000家小企业作为他们成长组合的一部分。beplay官网体育10000家小企业也将Babson连接到beplay官网体育Tony Hsieh,both through Zappos and through his latest undertaking in Las Vegas,市中心项目。在10KSB中,我们向每一位小企业主传授有意创造和维持公司文化的重要性,使其符合您的身份和您正在努力打造的内容,并以一种让人们真正希望和享受为您工作的方式进行。我们向所有参与者播放Zappos视频托尼谈论着他走向终点的旅程。然而,现在托尼将这一点提升到了一个新的水平,continuing to work through Zappos on the work culture,while also building a living environment that fosters entrepreneurship,更重要的是,fosters happiness.   In fact,the specific goals of the Downtown Project are:

  • Live/Work/Play – Walking Distance
  • The most community –focused large city in the world
  • 世界上共同学习和合作的资本。

While the three driving C's for Zappos are Clothing,Customer Service,和文化,Tony使用三种不同的CS作为设计原则来实现市中心目标:

Collision,社区,and Co-learning lead to Happiness,Luckiness,Innovation,以及生产力。

第二个面板,Innovative Social Enterprise,实际上,还要求我们从一个更大的角度来看看我们正在尝试构建什么。Dina Powell,教母10,000 Women10000家小企业通过担任高盛公司业务部负责人,她领导了尼克·伯恩斯哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院,芭芭拉·布什,Founder of Global Health Corp,和David Miliband,国际救援委员会首席执行官。大卫对他所描述的影响进步的力量作了一个很好的概述。芭芭拉在耶鲁大学三年级时发表了一个非常令人难堪的声明,她开始专注于识别和解决全球健康挑战。总体而言,beplay官网体育this panel sent the very powerful message about the use of entrepreneurial approaches to solve the problems of the world.

To close,I'd just like to do a beplay官网体育Babson shout-out toRuthie Davis,beplay官网体育巴布森的校友们邀请了建筑商+创新者参加峰会。Ruthie was the only shoe designer.   She and I were able to chat several times during collisions at the Summit and while both already members of the beplay官网体育Babson community,it was a pleasure to share co-learning time with her and brainstorm about some co-working projects for mentoring beplay官网体育Babson students.  Stay tuned.

Paul T.beplay官网体育Babson Chair in Entrepreneurship