Faculty & Leadership Blog/ Tag: Entrepreneurship Education

Michael Chmura

Entrepreneurship Requires Practice

Entrepreneurship is often thought of as a process – a process of identifying an opportunity,understanding resource requirements,acquiring resources,planning,and implementing.  But the word "process" assumes known inputs and known outputs as in a manufacturing process.  For example,building a car on an assembly line is a manufacturing process.  You know all the…

Michael Chmura

Developing Case Teaching Materials And Expertise

During this past week,a team from beplay官网体育Babson has been managing and teaching the Banco de Chile – Babson College Chilean Entrepreneurship Educators Program – which involves 24 educators from 12 Chilean universities.The first face-to-face module in June,which explored the art and science of writing business cases,was led by beplay官网体育Babson Professor Heidi…