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10 Questions for Local Food Entrepreneur: Cassandria Campbell


新鲜食品的产生is dedicated to providing healthy,充满活力的,local and delicious food to food-access-challenged Boston.联合创始人卡珊德里亚·坎贝尔和我通过巴布森大学的校友琳达·麦克奎兰(B'78)和食品项目会面,beplay官网体育and Cassandria was one of the entrepreneurs to pitch at the Quick Service Incubator at last year'sbeplay官网体育Babson Food Day.

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答:我在洛克斯伯里-多切斯特-马塔潘地区长大。在这些社区,健康饮食并不容易,and so I would have to travel for food.有一天,I saw a young,obese man coming out of Popeye's and my first instinct was to think"Why are his parents letting him go to Popeye's?"然后我记得周围除了麦当劳和汉堡王什么都没有。I had the option to go elsewhere.其他人没有。这真的让我很沉重。

Q:   What was the biggest hurdle you had to overcome?

答:笑。There are so many!FFG的概念并不是一般意义上的概念。我们在低收入地区吃当地的食物,所以计算出其中的数学是关键。We consciously decided not to be a non-profit.因此,制定可行的商业计划可能是我们最大的挑战。它让我们看到餐饮业将成为这家公司的支柱,which then created another set of challenges,但这是一个很好的礼物,因为它让我们进入了大波士顿社区,并允许我们以负担得起的价格向目标社区出售食物。

Q:   How do you define success?

答:Getting food out of the kitchen and into people's mouths,不管我们怎么做:带帐篷,at a community event,giving it away,通过餐饮,在食品车上。有很多财务和成本需要考虑,而且餐车很贵。At the end of the day,不管发生什么事,what matters is: Are we getting food out and getting it to people.


答:这在我的词汇表中不是一个词。I experience challenges and obstacles and things not working out.We've had to go back to the drawing board and try another way.但失败不是我用的词。


答:我们致力于保持健康和照顾自己。We work long hours and we're lucky to be doing work we love,but it can get really tiring.When we're tired,we're ineffective.另外,we can't be a company promoting healthy and not look healthy ourselves.So we take the time to exercise and to sleep.要成为健康生活方式的榜样,你得先照顾好自己。

Q:   What are you going to do next?

答:We're working on getting our food truck on the road.因为我们正处于起步阶段,it's important not to jump ahead of what we're able to handle.The next is now.

Q:   What's the best piece of advice you've received in the past year?

答:"Focus on the intention not the invention." Bill Warner who's an angel at Tech Stars gave us that one.他说很多企业家都被这项发明所吸引,making something new to serve a purpose.But sometimes the invention doesn't work out and it's a problem if the entrepreneur gets too attached to the invention instead of going back to the drawing board to remember the purpose of it all… For us,it's: We don't have the food truck right now.我们还能怎么把食物拿出来?

Q:   Give us your advice for aspiring food entrepreneurs in 6 words or less.


问:你赢得了与你所在行业相当的奥斯卡奖。When you take the stage,who will you thank and for what?

答:So many people have held our hands through this process and really believed in us from Day One when we were just an idea on paper.我要感谢波士顿地区那些花时间给我们提供建议的优秀人士的网络,to review documents,to put us in touch with other people.在过去两年的项目中,我得到的最伟大的礼物之一就是结识一些最优秀的人。


答:像食物这样简单的东西对很多人来说是一种新的体验。我们是他们第一次以一种有意义的方式与食物互动,当他们吃一些健康的食物,而且味道也很好。That surprises them.And that it's local.We did one breakfast and the menu said "root-crop hash" and people thought we were going to serve them roots.They thought "who are these caterers they're bringing in!" Then we brought in this beautiful mix of potatoes and carrots,all different colors.人们要学会什么是根茎作物。像这样的经历真的让我心满意足。