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5 Tips Before You Hit Submit

T-minus 5 days and counting until November 1st – beplay官网体育Babson's Early Decision/Early Action Deadline.As a tribute to the countdown,my colleagues and I will be offering a "Tip of the Day" to help ease your stress and provide some guidance in the final days ahead before you hit SUBMIT!

Hannah's Tip of the Day:Know Your Word Counts!

As Courtney mentioned inThe Dean Talks Essays,the last piece that many of you are still probably working on…essays!Word counts can often feel suffocating and restricting,but some of the best pieces of writing are short,concise and to the point – that's what we are looking for too.If you're having trouble editing your work,have a parent,teacher,friend,etc.read over your essay;often times we can get blinded by what is essential to a piece of writing vs.unnecessary detail.As a reminder,here are the word counts you'll need to know for your beplay官网体育Babson Application:

Personal Statement:650 Words

Supplement Essay/Video:500 Words/1 Minute Video

Extracurricular Supplement:100 Words