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First-Week Takeaways from My Summer Experience at the United Nations

Working at the United Nations has truly been an amazing experience so far.在联合国,我是少儿青年专业组(MGCY)"the official civil society [and] young peoples' constituency for Sustainable Development." From just the atmosphere of working in such a highly-regarded place,to being around bright-minded individuals from all around the world,I have been able to start getting an understanding of the different processes that are always going on and what goes on in various meetings throughout the day.Below,我列出了我作为联合国工作组成员第一周的四个收获。

1。第一印象:在我会见了许多外交官之后,毫无疑问,我总是要参加我的“A”游戏。Unlike a start-up,since there are thousands of people that work at the United Nations (UN) Headquarters,and thousands more who work for the UN remotely,I have been able to thoroughly impress many individuals just based on my demeanor.这不是穿牛仔T恤的初创公司,so wearing business professional attire and being respectful as if you were going to meet high-level diplomats (which is in fact what occurs frequently) is a must.Before you start working for any organization,了解你将为之工作的组织的性质,并且总是“戴上”你的“A”游戏,以确保你给别人留下一个好印象。

2。职业道德:Having a good work ethic is important anywhere you go and with whatever you do: that's a given;however,在联合国等受人尊敬的地方,人们同时做的事情太多了,要跟上这一切可能会变得非常累人和累赘。通过超越隐含的期望,I have not only been complimented by people at different levels;my "mentor" (one of the Team Members who has been with the MGCY for a much longer time than me) wants to get my name exposed to others within the UN,whether it be other NGOs (non-governmental organizations),外交官,or ministers that represent missions from various nations (called Member States).职业道德强烈地反映了我是谁,我相信如果我继续走我所走的路,我将从这个夏天的经历中得到很多:比我现在想象的要多。

三。网络:In less than a week,I have begun to network with my colleagues and everyone that I have met at the United Nations.在一个像联合国一样全球化的地方,一天结束就来上班和离开是愚蠢的。花时间与来自其他国家的高层次个人会面并建立联系是建立联系的最佳方式之一。From my personal experience,与联合国相比,在全球范围内建立网络的更好方法确实很少。授予,不是每个人都有这个机会,but as being a part of an organization,如果你能与不同群体的人建立联系,无论是来自世界其他地区的同事还是其他部门/部门的人员,这是一个很好的网络策略。

4.即使没有其他人在看,继续工作:根据我个人的观察和学习,许多从9岁到5岁工作的人都倾向于去工作,在他们离开一天之后就停止工作。这是很正常的,虽然我不反对或支持这一点(关于这一具体情况),我总是问我的同事下班后有没有工作要做,when I am not at work,when he is not at work,有时在周末。In some work cultures,完全可以接受在常规以外工作,9-to-5 workday;在其他文化中,your boss may want you to mentally recharge after work by getting away fromeverything工作相关的。在工作的第一周内,试着学习工作文化,看看你的组织中的人是如何度过他们的一天的。Because  commutes between New York City and Boston,鉴于这一经验的国际背景,我知道他不在的时候我会工作,and occasionally on weekends as well.
