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Constituent Services vs.Customer Service


整个夏天,我有两个职位,一个是国会议员布伦丹·博伊尔(PA-13)的实习,另一个是我与JCPenney的客户服务助理。虽然两者都有好处和挑战,正如人们可能怀疑的那样,they have some differences as well.

Constituent Services vs.Customer Service

In the congressional district office,我处理选民问题。对于国会议员代表的人来说,这只是个花哨的词。In the JCPenney women's shoe department,I deal with customers.That's just a fancy word for people who keep the business in business.Anyways,我在这两方面的工作都是确保我能满足客户/委托人的要求。Although grabbing a size 8 shoe for a customer is a little different than researching a Social Security issue for a constituent,I try my best at each job to help as much as I can.

愤怒的选民与Angry Customers

不是每个人都是完美的。不是所有的生意都是完美的。人类历史上没有一个政府机构是完美的(我可以自信地说,just look at Congress's 17% approval rating).So it goes without saying that I experience plenty of unhappy visitors/callers at each job.Though each angry person comes in with the same level of displeasure and ferocity,it is not always warranted.举个例子:一个对没有得到10%的折扣而生气的客户可能不会像一个退伍老兵那样损失太多,因为他正面临着弗吉尼亚州无法支付的不可逾越的医院账单。另一个例子是:一个顾客找不到她想要的尺码的鞋子,他可能不像一个男人那样情绪混乱,因为他似乎不能把自己心爱的人从一个危险的国家带到美国。


虽然我在实习期间接了很多电话,I still have the occasional call during my shifts at JCPenney.尽管我接电话时的称呼不同,我仍然必须保持同样的礼节,以确保我立即获得来电者的信任和尊重。俗话说,you only get one first impression,and I'm a firm believer in first impressions over phone calls as well.And yes,if you're wondering if I have ever picked up the phone at JCPenney answering: "Thank you for calling the Office of Congressman Brendan Boyle," I unfortunately have (at the cost of extreme confusion for the caller I'm sure).


作为一名员工,这两个机构都得到了我的关注和兴趣,因为我尊重他们所代表的价值观。对于国会议员来说,这是帮助选民、支持中产阶级和支持JCPenney的不懈愿望,it was the golden rule on which founder James Cash Penney started the company.可以想象,然而,两个组织都非常不同,我每天都在工作环境中体验到这些差异。虽然博伊尔议员是美国众议院的新生,他已经领导了一个非常成功的事业。在办公室里讨论他时,我总能感觉到一种乐观的情绪。While JCPenney is a corporation that garners around $12 billion in revenue each year,这不是以前盈利的公司。自2007年创下85美元/股的历史新高以来,它一直在稳步下降。前苹果高管罗恩·约翰逊(RonJohnson)的聘用被证明是一个可悲的错误,因为他对苹果公司的巨变导致公司股票暴跌。我可以肯定地证明,这家公司糟糕的财务表现反映在商店的日常运营中。这家商店无法定期实现每日目标,这确实为员工树立了一种有点压抑的基调。然而,I definitely give my managers credit as they always seem to be working their tails off to better the company.尽管如此,在JCPenney工作有一种“我们必须跟上”的语气,而在国会议员办公室工作有一种“我们做得很好,让我们继续这样做吧。

Regardless of the similarities and differences that each job presents,我喜欢每天都来上班。两者都为我提供了宝贵的经验,我知道这将有助于进一步提高我的专业技能。虽然我每项工作只剩下几个星期,I plan to make the most of the limited time by continuing to give my full effort.

*Any opinions or statements in this beplay官网体育post do not represent the views of the Office of Congressman Boyle nor the JCPenney Corporation.All opinions or statements are solely mine.*