


When two private sector entities conduct business,尤其是在一方从另一方购买产品的情况下,the terms of the exchange tends to adhere to tradition;两个实体都了解什么是合乎道德和逻辑的,并相对快速地完成购买。However,what I have learned incredibly quickly in my time with StreetLight Data,…


Business Student Working for a Government Agency?

商法,a required course that all beplay官网体育Babson students have to take during Freshman or Sophomore Year,has caused different levels of pain for many students. Not a lot of students at beplay官网体育Babson concentrate in Legal Studies,大多数巴布森的学生beplay官网体育从来没有想过为政府工作。当考虑实习时,…


Working for the Canadian Government

你好,my name is Jess Thevenoz and I am a rising senior at beplay官网体育Babson.I am from Montreal,Canada and only moved to the USA for college,但我总是尽我所能保持我加拿大的骄傲。在美国呆了三年,I wanted to be able to have the chance…

Congressional Internship?Why Not?

在政府工作,just the career path that every beplay官网体育Babson student wants to pursue,right?… Not quite.Throughout my internship search and even during my internship,I quickly learned how unpopular a career in government and the public sector was among beplay官网体育Babson students.我的大多数同学宁愿在…

Not Goodbye,但回头见

当我结束最后一天的实习时,I had many memories and experiences flash in my head throughout the day.好像就在昨天,我是一个“新来的孩子”,必须学会做每件事。现在,我正在为国会议员整理最后一份备忘录…

Constituent Services vs.Customer Service

VS整个夏天,我有两个职位,一个是国会议员布伦丹·博伊尔(PA-13)的实习,另一个是我与JCPenney的客户服务助理。While both have its benefits and challenges,正如人们可能怀疑的那样,they have…

5 Facts About My Boss

HR 1599: Nay HR 1734: Nay HR 2392: Nay….While I could go on talking about my Congressman's (and boss's) voting record,I'm sure that topic would bore most of you.相反,我要告诉你一些有趣的事实,在我实习期间,我了解了他。虽然是…