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听起来像是一个很糟糕的笑话的开始,except that I was the business student who was completely outside of my comfort zone.每当我告诉别人我要在西区的一家非营利性电影制作公司工作时,他们的反应总是,"oh,你在学校学电影吗?”我很快告诉他们不,实际上我在学习商业,专注于社会创业和会计。

I don't take this quick judgement personal,I even asked myself what I was doing at a film company before I started this internship two weeks ago.For the longest time I always associated business with numbers,and that to be a successful businesswoman you had to work in finance or accounting.But,through my experience at Birds Nest Foundation,the company I'm currently working for,我真的了解到,这个领域的边比我想象的要多。

To start off,Birds Nest Foundation,which is a 501( c )3 non-profit,以高质量数字媒体内容的形式向其他非营利组织/慈善机构/非政府组织提供赠款。我和另外七个实习生一起工作,他们都在学校学习某种形式的电影。And then there is me,who before last week had never edited an entire film before,let alone shot an interview.

回顾过去,我申请这个职位有两个原因。第一个是我是个业余摄影师,and how different can filming a video be from taking a picture?第二,我有很多与非营利组织合作的经验,并且认为这种经验可以派上用场。

My first task at Birds Nest was to shoot and edit an interview.My fellow interns and I set up at interview space,organizing lights,sound equipment,从两个不同的角度设置摄像头。然后,其中一个实习生坐下来,被问到他们是怎么到鸟巢的。就个人而言,shooting the interview was the easiest part,但当涉及到编辑时,我完全迷路了。After two days I finally managed to cut together some footage,and to my surprise it wasn't half bad !

把鸟巢和其他实习分开的一件事是,这个项目是为你在你感兴趣的电影制作领域成倍增长而设计的。每周,鸟巢都会带来演讲嘉宾,all of who are from different background and walks of life,but all of one thing in common,their interest in film.This past week I had the pleasure of meeting Producer Scott Kluge,最近的一部电影涉及亚历克·鲍德温和黛米·摩尔。令我惊讶的是,Scott majored in business as well,他很快就成为了一名独立的制片人,与才华横溢的演员一起工作。

That being said,I have finally found the relevance of my business background in the content of my internship in film.Even though I doubt I'll be shooting or lighting films for my profession,我在第一年在巴布森学到的技能,不仅仅是每天从9点到5点在办公室工作的基beplay官网体育础,and who knows,maybe I'll even end up as a film producer.