大学生博客beplay官网地址/Career Development



星期三下午2点,you just got out of bed and had some pastries for "lunch." You sit down to spend yet another day aimlessly scrolling through Instagram in one hand and choosing the next Netflix series to binge on with the other.Sound familiar?That's right – I'm talking about the doldrums of productivity – Winter Break.Here at the CCD,we are trying to buck that trend.我想和你分享一些保持生产力的方法,或者开始富有成效,在这4-5周期间。


  1. Start looking up notes and gathering textbooks from friends for next semester's classes:

为了备课,这是一件很好的事情,尤其是如果你知道课堂可能会对你构成挑战。例如,如果你听说某个二年级的中小企业课程可能有点难,寒假可能是开始整理笔记的好时机,reading up on the subject,甚至可以通过提前对前几个部分的感受来开始课程。

  1. 在上课前阅读一本能给你新视角的书:

经常,professors will assign readings or entire books to read before you take the course.在这种情况下,最好先开始读那本书和其他类似的书,以加深你对这本书的了解,so that when class starts and there are discussions to be had and an essay to write,你可以在主题的最前面。


  1. Market your skills and do what you are good at:

像Fiverr这样的网站,光电调谐,Etsy,或者说,整修工作都是很好的开始。这些站点允许您完成零工或任务,如摄影或搜索引擎优化或手工制作的工艺品,作为金钱的回报。Spending some time crafting and selling on Etsy is a popular way to make some cash from a hobby you have.In addition,波士顿地区的Gladlydo等服务公司会给你每小时10-25美元的零工费,such as dogsitting,moving,or gardening.

  1. Start an investing account:

有些平台没有最低的入口水平需要维护,you can easily start a brokerage account with $500,or even less depending on the service.寒假将是一个很好的时间开始寻找你的选择,以及开始做一些研究如何找到一个好的投资。你可以花时间缩小你的投资理念,开始学习长期投资和短期交易的进出口。你也可以开始学习经纪人之间的差异,找到最适合你的经纪人。这将是一个与投资的朋友交谈的好时机,父母,或者你网络中的其他人,他们可能会带领你在这个领域更进一步。


  1. 在当地组织寻找志愿服务的方法:

There are tons of local charities and organizations that can use a little more help during the wintertime – and this is where you step in.这是一个产生影响的绝佳机会,感觉很好,and have something to put on your resume.Tons of employers value volunteering experience and this could be a chance to get into that field.

  1. Look for seasonal jobs:


  1. 参加案例竞赛:

每年,there are lots of case competitions all over the place – these are great for putting the skills that you learned in school to use.谷歌搜索揭示了全国各地的许多不同案例,and beplay官网体育Babson offers plenty here as well.Winter break can be used to form a team,制定战略,或者只是进一步了解这个主题。Placing in a case competition looks really good on a resume and allows for you to speak purely about your teamwork and ability to put what you learned in school to good use.

这些只是你在假期中用来保持生产力的许多好方法中的一部分。无论你的目标是在下学期的课上取得进步,多赚一点钱,或者进一步完善你的简历,there are lots of opportunities for you no matter where you will be this break.Combining some of the activities I listed here can also be a great way to make the most of your break and remain productive during those 5 weeks.