Underbeplay官网地址graduate Blog/ Tag: Preparation

Peer Career Ambassadors

Staying Productive During Winter Break

This blog beplay官网体育post was written by Peer Career Ambassador Calvin Wang '19.It's 2 pm on a Wednesday,you just got out of bed and had some pastries for "lunch." You sit down to spend yet another day aimlessly scrolling through Instagram in one hand and choosing the next Netflix series to binge on with…

Peer Career Ambassadors

Ready?Set?Go!(To Fall CCD Events)

This blog beplay官网体育post was written by Peer Career Ambassador,Calvin Wang '19.Hello everyone and welcome back on campus.Hopefully by now,you have settled into your new classes,dorms,and organizations and are ready to start the year off strong.This beplay官网体育post will focus on being prepared and ready to jump into recruiting season,…

Seeing the Bright Side of the Challenges

It is without question that every single person in any job or career field experiences challenges throughout their day,week,month,etc.I am a firm believer of how you respond to those challenges directly impacts the team of people you work with along with the quality of work you produce.Too many times I've…

Prepare for your Internship Role!

Hi all!Jin here again For weeks before the start of my internship,I buried myself at the sewing machine at home.With Youtube tutorials on repeat,I was determined to teach myself the fundamentals of sewing.I wanted to understand how garments were made to prepare myself for the production side of the…

Natalie Cullings

8 Steps I Took To Land My Summer Internship

It's been a couple of days into the start of my strategy/research  internship at the branding agency Mechanica and it's been great!The agency is located on the Northshore of Massachusetts in Newburyport,MA.It's a great coastal summer spot close to the beach and just a short train ride away from Boston.I never…

Natalie Cullings

Interview Preparation Tips & Strategies

All of your hard work has paid off and you've landed an interview,congratulations!However,now the important work begins.准备面试的最佳方式是什么?The answer is that there are many different ways,and the process of preparation itself will guide you in the right direction.Let's take a…