
The Virtue of Pivoting in Business

As time goes on,you learn more and more bout your business and the markets needs.That's exactly what we realized.有一个方便的市场,毫无疑问。但是出租呢?我们不再那么确定了。我们的大多数客户都喜欢我们提供的服务,甚至要求他们一旦穿了我们的衣服就把它买下来。租赁是让人们接触新品牌的一种方式,比如露露,Outdoor Voices,Rhone,Myles,etc.Other than working and sleeping,我们大部分时间都在锻炼。Hitting up the gym before work,decompressing after work with a spin or boxing class,for example.So why not create a service where athletes can rent out their own clothing so to speak.

That idea is what sparked Routinely 2.0.We realized that everyone was looking for convenience,but some were hesitant about the rental side.我们理解。我们的想法就是这样。NYC is a small,and somewhat tough place to live in space wise.My workout stuff takes up a whole other dresser in my room,这是城市里大多数人没有的奢侈品。不是你拿着你的东西,and dragging them to and from work,leave it with us in a locker.我们将负责整修和交付。你所要做的就是告诉我们你想在何时何地交货。

The decision to switch the focus of the business was difficult.We had to speak with investors to make sure that they were on board,and quickly switch up the plans we had for the upcoming few months to make sure we could reach our new goals.但是,我想我们会成功的。市场感兴趣,and the convenience factor is there.现在只是努力工作,和尽可能多的人交谈以获得建议,帮助,以及业务的发展。