本科博客beplay官网地址/作者:克里斯汀·斯威尼(Kristen Sweeney)

Overall Internship Experience

Overall, I had a very positive internship experience at the SEC and would recommend the Summer Honors Program to any sophomore or junior at Babson College. At the SEC I learned what it is like to work in the public industry as well as the perks of working at the SEC. The other interns I…

Athletes in the Workforce


Working at the SEC

最近,我在SEC的整个夏天都在工作。该案是一种称为DFRF Enterprises的POZI计划。Daniel Filho是Ponzi计划的首席执行官,联邦调查局上周在佛罗里达州的Boca Raton逮捕了他,这是逮捕令已有数周。DFRF企业是…

Interview Process and Internship Search for Accounting Concentrators

As a sophomore at Babson College, it is hard to get an internship in the profession of accounting. Most of the accounting firms in the country only hire juniors, but they do have sophomore leadership programs available for sophomores who are interested in pursuing a career in public accounting. These programs are usually 2-3 days…

Entering the Internship World

我叫克里斯汀(Kristen),我目前是巴布森学院(Babson College)的大三学生。beplay官网体育我专注于会计,希望也能参加一些财务和战略管理课程。在夏季,我在美国证券交易委员会工作。对于那些不知道的人