Tag: beplay官网体育Babson SVP - page 3

Hailey Serna


Tell me a little bit about your company BikeLord?BikeLord is an online marketplace,专注于使自行车买卖过程成为一个伟大的体验。What is the story behind BikeLord?One day,我需要一辆新自行车,所以我去了Craigslist(因为它几乎是唯一的…


Hailey Serna

2018 SVP Startup Profile: Hope Sews

Entrepreneur Maya Mutalik ‘21 Tell me a little bit about your company Hope Sews?希望缝纫是时尚界的社会风尚。We sell modern clothing made of authentic Ghanaian fabric and prints,as well as donate electric sewing machines to seamstresses in local areas of Ghana.希望缝背后的故事是什么?…


Hailey Serna

All Things Data

暑期创业计划第6周,Jack Steele and Kyle Glover from Pierce Atwood LLP,a sponsor of the Summer Venture Program,与我们的企业家讨论所有的数据(即,the legality of data).Kyle begun his talk with a simple question,"What is one way you use data?" Our participants shared…


Hailey Serna

2018 SVP Startup Profile: Dondoctor

Entrepreneur Felipe Acosta MBA'18 Tell me a little bit about yourselves and your company Dondoctor?我叫费利佩·阿科斯塔,来自波哥大,Colombia.I just beplay官网地址graduated from the MBA program and I was one of the finalists in the B.E.T.A.Challenge.因为B.E.T.A.Challenge,I learned about the Summer Venture Program (SVP).我有…


Hailey Serna


Entrepreneur Jess Lynch '13,MS'13,MBA ‘18 Tell me a little bit about your company Wish Route?愿望之路的目的是让人们有动力,朝着他们希望的方向前进。我们从健康和健康的话题开始,比如我希望我多锻炼,或者我希望我……


Hailey Serna

高级副总裁顾问简介:Eric Braun

几周前,I spoke to Eric Braun about his experience in the entrepreneurship community and specifically as an advisors of the Summer Venture Program.Our conversation was wonderful and I wanted to share a bit of it with you.你在暑期创业计划和创业生态系统中的角色是什么?


Hailey Serna

Week 6: Summer Venture Program 2018

暑期创业计划的第6周是关于经营企业的法律问题。在赞助商皮尔斯阿特伍德有限责任公司的帮助下,our entrepreneurs had all of their legal concerns addressed and put to ease.Before delving into our lunch and learn with Pierce Atwood,我们的团队分享了他们的中点更新,重述了…


Hailey Serna

2018 SVP Startup Profile: TastePal

企业家拉尔夫·哈达德的20岁的玛丽亚·卡哈尔告诉我一些关于你们自己和你们公司的品味?I (Maria) started TastePal with Ralph about a year ago after creating,growing,and selling one of the largest restaurant databases in Lebanon.Clearly,we must both love food,but we also have other interests.I am a…


Hailey Serna

2018 SVP启动配置文件:smask

Entrepreneurs Dillon Galynsky ‘20 Leny Prog Tell me a little bit about yourselves and your company Smask?Smask是一种个人吸烟过滤装置,可减少胃蛋白酶原并消除异味。信不信由你,Smask实际上不是我们的第一家初创企业;we previously owned a software based company together.Although a rewarding experience,我们知道…


Antonette Ho

Meet the 2018 SVP Cohort at the Summer Venture Showcase!

Join us on Thursday,7月26日在波士顿联邦储备银行举行的今年夏季风险投资展示会!15 startups from the Summer Venture Program cohort will share their stories and present their business ventures.Register now (pre-registration is required) >> The Summer Venture Program is a 10-week intensive experience that builds entrepreneurial skills…
