

7月16-22日是独立零售商周!Here,the WIN Lab与四位精明的企业家合作,听取他们的建议getting product ready for retail,partnering with retailers,帮助这些合作伙伴出售你的产品,andopening up your own shop以下职位由Angie Sanchbeplay官网体育ez MBA’11创建,首席执行官Artyfactos, and abeplay官网体育Babson WIN Lab acceleratorparticipant.

Artyfactos是一家在全国50多家零售商中具有社会责任感的珠宝生产线,在拉丁美洲雇用工匠。They use safe,天然和再生材料,包括橘皮,咖啡豆,melon seeds,and acai seeds to create unique pieces of jewelry.


1。Pricing your products.
批发定价的最重要部分是确保在保持利润的同时,涵盖当前和未来的成本。I typically see that if you sell direct to consumer at 9 times your cost (9X) then you will want to keep your wholesale price at around 4 times your cost (4X).它大大降低了您的利润率,但这允许您的零售合作伙伴提高价格,赚取他们自己的利润。Keeping that wholesale price at 4X also means you have some wiggle room as you scale up.While you will eventually see economies of scale,你的利润将开始涵盖新的团队成员,销售代表,设备,等。从第一天起,每一笔费用都应该计入你的批发价。如果你错过了这一部分,你冒着将来无法盈利的风险。

拍摄精彩的照片是向客户展示产品的美丽和增加销售机会的关键。我建议从不同角度拍摄照片,以便他们看到每一个细节,并坚持背景,这将使您的产品流行起来!Having images on a white background are also a must as they will be essential in developing your lookbook,销售单,and website when you startreaching out to retailers to pitch your products.

三。Write clear descriptions.
描述你的产品,就像你第一次看到它一样,对它一无所知。包括材料,dimensions,长度,气味,的感情,和颜色。Retailers won't know your products the way that you do so it's important to give them像你一样出售的工具.Founder story and the mission can also be valuable to include on these product descriptions to instill an emotional connection with the customer.最后但并非最不重要,include ways that the product can be used!Sometimes people can't envision the product on themselves so it helps if you can do it for them!

4. Create a sales sheet (and don't break the bank doing it).
Having a sales sheet is a must whether you're working with sales reps or directly with retailers.This sheet contains all of your product elements including SKUs,批发价,MSRP价格,colors and a photo of each product.  This can take some time to create but shouldn't break the bank.Clarity and readability are the important parts and much of the time you can send it in electronic format,saving printing costs.I use a simple PDF format and send to my sales reps via email.

Figure out which pieces are going to be your product samples.当你get a meeting to get your product picked up.It's essential to have a variety of styles and colors so that your retail customer has the opportunity to experience everything that they can pull onto their shelves. Once they have had the "first impression" experience,you can refer them to your sales sheet to see the rest of the product lines.

到这里来to learn more about Artyfactos and see the full product line.