Living Entrepreneurship Blog/TAG:指导者


高级副总裁顾问简介:Eric Braun

A few weeks back,I spoke to Eric Braun about his experience in the entrepreneurship community and specifically as an advisors of the Summer Venture Program.我们的谈话很精彩,我想和你分享一下。你在暑期创业计划和创业生态系统中的角色是什么?


Peter Biro's Story

2月26日,空白中心邀请了Peter Biro,巴布森住所的企业家,beplay官网体育for Founder Friday.Peter is a serial entrepreneur and franchise owner of Five Guys Burgers and Fries,and Naked Pizza.Peter co-founded the business which currently operates in 12 locations in Middlesex County,MA.After the success with Five Guys,在……中



Solomon Zheng: Playing the piano is one of my hobbies.Before I arrived at beplay官网体育Babson,我的一个顾虑是不能在商学院参与音乐。However,在新生入学的日子里,I received an email from Michele,the Director of Sorenson Center for the Arts,about various opportunities…