beplay官网地址Graduate Blog/职业发展

A One Year MBA's Career Development Journey

By Bernardo Heiremans,MBA One Year (2017) & beplay官网地址Graduate Affinity Conference Scholar


普法班尼卡会议是拉美裔商界人士的首要聚会,entrepreneurs,新兴领导人,universities and corporations in the U.S.As an international student,在美国找工作的任务。is not easy,它需要一个真正的承诺来分配时间去做它,可能时,大部分时间你忙于学业。类,assignments,小组会议,MCFEstudent clubs,在我的例子中,我妻子和两个孩子每天在家等我,使这项任务非常艰巨。然而,I understand its importance and,therefore,chose to attend the Prospanica Conference to support my career development.

在巴布森之前,beplay官网体育我在智利的通用汽车公司工作了8年多,我一直知道最好的求职策略,for me,is to target the automotive industry.通用汽车将成为参加会议的公司之一,and I wanted the opportunity to talk to them in person about my experience working for the company and my career goals.

The Prospanica Conference Career Expo.

The Prospanica Conference Career Expo.

普罗斯帕尼卡会议是为期3天的活动。第一天包括一个网络研讨会和来自不同公司的几次信息会议,plus an evening reception.在智利,当有人在找工作时,网络并不是一件常见的事情,事实上,I didn't feel comfortable when doing it,so it was really good to start the conference by learning how to improve my networking skills.I learned that the key to networking is to be confident and have a strong elevator pitch.网络并不仅仅是为了找到一份工作,而是从其他专业人士那里获得见解。The benefits of networking are mutual and you never know if the person you are talking to is going to help you or vice versa.After getting my feet wet with some networking,I felt much more confident during the rest of the conference and felt I was better prepared to approach others.

The second and third days at the conference involved the career expo,where I was able to meet several companies and continue practicing my networking skills.在世博会上,我曾与通用汽车全球产品营销执行总监谈过我在智利为雪佛兰和欧宝工作的经验,以及我的MBA经验和职业目标。Given the conversation,it seemed that my background and experience were of interest to GM because of my expertise in the industry.This confirmed one of the key learnings I obtained and can summarize below:
  • 网络是成为成功的专业人士的关键,either if you want to work as an employee or if you want to be an entrepreneur.
  • No matter how busy your weekly schedule is,你必须能够分配时间找工作。
  • Cover letter is not just copy/paste.很多时候,两位候选人之间的区别在于求职信,所以你必须为你申请的每一个职位量身定做。
  • 坚持不懈。作为一个需要签证赞助的留学生,我在职业博览会上的选择似乎有限。然而,if you want a job or a specific company,you have to be persistent,no matter what the rules or procedures of the company are,and this is linked to the last point.
  • Show the company your value long before they start asking the undesirable question about the visa status and that is why your pitch is so important.
伯纳多继承人,MBA'17,at the Prospanica Conference in Houston,TX.

伯纳多继承人,MBA'17,at the Prospanica Conference in Houston,TX.

Thank you very much to the beplay官网体育Babson beplay官网地址Graduate Affinity Conference Scholarship for giving me the opportunity to attend this event.我希望我的经历能对同样情况下的其他学生有所帮助,我鼓励我的同学利用校园外发生的所有精彩事件。