Creating Social Value Blog/ tag:创业思想与行动 - 第3页


克里斯蒂娜·贝恩(Christina Bain)在巴布森学院(Babson College)开展了有关人口贩运和现代奴隶制的倡议。beplay官网体育1月1日标志着国家奴隶制和人口贩运意识月的开始,一个月,在美国,反贩运意识成为人们关注的焦点。但是人口贩运是一场全球危机。根据国际劳工组织的说法,几乎…


刘易斯学院(Lewis Institute)的社会创新研究员,赤裸裸的Civics,LLC的创始人Nate Garvis。询问那里的任何医生,他们会告诉您,大约80%的医疗保健结果来自办公室外发生的元素。换句话说,我们国家在更健康的情况下取得了进步……


我最近从苏格兰的Wildhearts全球企业家领袖会议(在那里举行的第一次全球企业家会议)中回来,当我试图找到言语来描述经验时,持续的事情是简单而壮观的。我在那里谈论ET&A - 传达我们的基本信念,即创业可能是…

You Can’t Eat Online

I’m asked a lot: “When are you going to take what you do online?” At Food Sol, everything we do is through relationships. We believe that creating inside of a community is more resource-efficient than flying solo, and that the most effective communities share a common spirit and desire to gather face-to-face. That said, the…

野心全球企业家领导人会议的谢丽尔·基瑟(Cheryl Kiser)

We are thrilled to share that Cheryl Kiser will be speaking tomorrow and Thursday at the WildHearts Global Entrepreneurial Leaders Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland. As a charity operating in 40 countries, WildHearts empowers entrepreneurs everywhere. They see entrepreneurship as the leading force of social change – so who better to partner with than Babson, the…


What gets us out of bed every morning here at The Lewis Institute is a driving desire to use entrepreneurship to change the world for the better. We believe that Entrepreneurial Thought & Action® is one of the best assets the world has to tackle societal issues, and want to put these tools into the…


刘易斯学院(Lewis Institute)的社会创新研究员,赤裸裸的Civics,LLC的创始人Nate Garvis。What do you do when you’re faced with an ambiguous and unknowable situation; one where the old playbook doesn’t quite apply? You stop planning and get into action. Or, in Babson speak, you jump into Entrepreneurial Thought & Action®.…


纪念Len Schlesinger:首席变革者

Babson is a unique community that regularly attracts people looking to make a significant change in the status quo. Tapping into our entrepreneurial spirit, many of us in the Babson Community are oriented toward seeing things differently and discovering new outcomes to existing dilemmas—both on and off campus. The Lewis Institute celebrates these Changemakers and…



My first class with the 2013 Babson Entrepreneurial Development Experience kicks off tomorrow. I just returned from meeting this year’s class of 71 students and am so excited for the session to come. Rising High School Juniors and Seniors from (at last count) 28 countries and 10 states converge on Babson’s campus for a crash…