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Kirishika Krishnarajah

That's a Wrap

实习结束后,我有机会反思我在那里所学到的一切。One of the biggest things I learned was that things may not always go as planned and how a huge part of this job is out of my control and in the control of others…


As I continue to move through my last two weeks of the internship,我想回顾一下我在整个实习过程中学到的三个关键想法,以及我将带我回到大学和我年轻的职业生涯。How to deal with pressure – This internship highlighted how decisions that we…


Connecting the Dots

因为我只与FRT拥有的众多团队中的一个紧密合作,it is difficult to comprehend everything that FRT does.However,it is up to the intern to seek that knowledge through different ways.这是我在过去几周所做的一些有助于理解的事情…

Priscilla Joy Ning


与首席执行官的谈话可能会令人望而生畏,尤其是对于一个新实习生。Some tend to overthink and be so fearful of saying something wrong that they end up saying nothing much at all while others make it all too obvious that they are just trying to show off and sound smart.为了帮助你…

D Coley

Ask the Right Questions

Any intern would agree that asking questions comes with the territory.你是新来的,有很多东西要学。理论上,提问似乎很简单。这是什么?你怎么做呢?And why?It is natural for people to ask questions,but that is not the end of it.狡猾的…