
Lauren Mariano

Squash Arrogance,谦卑

Working at the squash startup this summer,I had the incredible opportunity to witness some of the best squash professionals on a daily basis.Between professional coaches and players,one thing they all had in common was their humility.不要自吹自擂,他们更关心的是进步而不是胜利。Their skills spoke for themselves,所以说…

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Lauren Mariano


What would my summer internship be without recognizing the ways in which ET&A is employed?beplay官网体育巴布森在我心中根深蒂固地用一种企业家的眼光来评估机会。Surprisingly,我在壁球启动时发现了这些元素。传统上,squash was available only to those few who could afford to join clubs,and tournaments seen…

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Lauren Mariano

Empathy on the Squash Court

由于我们当前的文化非常强调在工作场所移情的重要性,one would think we live in a more understanding working world.虽然已经作出了努力,there is still room to grow,在美国,68%的首席执行官声称他们有同情心。组织需要改变。Working at the squash…

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